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Stable Diffusion Prompt Guide

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The prompt is a textual description used to guide Stable Diffusion model in generating images. By providing detailed and specific descriptions of scenes, objects, or artistic styles, the model can accurately create visual representations of the described concepts.

To get the most out of Stable Diffusion, an advanced text-to-image generation model, try breaking down your prompts into three components:subject,actionandstyle. By structuring prompts this way, you provide clear and detailed instructions to the model, resulting in more accurate and compelling images. Experiment by dragging or clicking these prompts into the prompt box to see how different words influence the final output.

subjecta cat
actionjumping in the water
stylephoto realistic
subjecta cat
subjecta dog
actionwalking on the street
actionjumping in the water
stylephoto realistic
stylecomic book
Prompt: a cat, jumping in the water, photo realistic

In Stable Diffusion, a weight allows you to assign varying degrees of importance to different elements within your prompt, influencing how prominently each aspect appears in the generated image. By adjusting the weights, you can guide the model to emphasize certain colors, styles, or features over others.

For instance, if your prompt describes leaves that are green and yellow and you assign a higher weight to green compared to yellow, the resulting image will feature predominantly green leaves with subtle hints of yellow . Conversely, increasing the weight of yellow would result in images where yellow leaves are more prominent. This weighting mechanism provides nuanced control over the creative output, enabling you to fine-tune the balance of elements to match your vision precisely.

stylephoto realistic
Prompt: (green:0.6) and (yellow:1.4) leaves, photo realistic

In Stable Diffusion, a negative prompt is utilized to specify unwanted features or elements, guiding the model to generate more accurate and preferred outcomes by deliberately excluding certain details, styles, or subjects.

For example, if your prompt is describing cats are sitting on the street and you include white cat as a negative prompt, the model will aim to produce an image with cats of any other color but white. This ensures that the generated image aligns more closely with your requirements by avoiding specific undesirable elements. The ability to use negative prompts allows for refined control over the image creation process, enhancing the likelihood of achieving the desired result without compromising on creativity.

actionsitting on the street
stylephoto realistic
Negative Prompt
subjectwhite cat
subjectgray cat
subjectorange cat
subjectwhite cat
Prompt: cats, sitting on the street, photo realistic
Negative Prompt: white cat

In Stable Diffusion, the term steps refers to the number of iterations the model uses to refine the image from noise to the final output. Higher steps generally lead to more detailed and higher-quality images as the model has more opportunities to adjust and enhance the picture.

However, increased steps also require more computational resources and time. Experimenting with the number of steps can help you find a balance between image quality and processing time that fits your needs. For instance, starting with 20-25 steps can provide a good baseline, and then you can adjust based on your specific requirements and available resources.

subjecta cat
actionjumping in the water
stylecomic book
Prompt: a cat, jumping in the water, comic book
Inference Steps: 23
3 0.4s
7 0.8s
11 1.1s
15 1.4s
19 1.7s
23 2.0s
27 2.3s
31 2.6s

In Stable Diffusion, a seed is a numerical value that initializes the random number generator for image synthesis, ensuring reproducibility and consistency. Setting a specific seed makes the model's processes deterministic, resulting in the same or similar images each time, which is useful for recreating or adjusting outputs. The seed allows predictable and controllable outcomes and can be changed to explore diverse variations from the same prompt.

subjecta cat
actionjumping in the water
stylecomic book
Prompt: a cat, jumping in the water, comic book
Seed: 1006899909

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